doll n. 多尔〔女子名, Dorothy 的昵称〕。 n. 1.玩偶,玩具娃娃。 2.貌美心拙的妇女。 3.〔美俚〕姑娘,少女;美女。 4.(对女子)有吸引力的男子。 in my doll days 在我当姑娘的时候,在我的少女时代。 in a world where women are only dolls 在一个妇女仅是玩偶的世界里。 doll's face 美貌而呆板的面孔。 doll's house 玩偶之家;小住宅。 guys and dolls 青年男女。 vt.,vi. 〔美俚〕着意打扮,浓妆艳抹 (up)。 be dolled up in furs and diamonds 用珠宝和皮大衣打扮得很漂亮。 This old woman dolls herself up like a young lady. 这个老妇人总是漂漂亮亮地把自己打扮得像个少妇。 -ish, -like adj. 玩偶似的,好看而没有头脑的。 adv. -ishly
Let me see. fiona held out her hand for the doll . 让我看看。菲奥娜伸出手去拿娃娃。
Come on, honey. you hold the doll and i'll hold you . 来吧,好乖乖,你抱着娃娃我抱着你。
Jack and hughie scrambled to their feet and ran, the doll forgotten . 杰克和胡伊拔腿就跑,忘了手中的娃娃。
Jack and hughie got hold of the doll before poor meggie had a chance to see it properly . 还没等可怜的麦琪饱看一番,杰克和胡伊就把娃娃抢走了。
The doll had jointed arms and legs which could be moved anywhere; even her neck and tiny, shapely waist were jointed . 这娃娃有臂膀、有腿、有关节,可以任意转动,甚至头颈和匀称的细腰也能弯动。
Put the dolls away with your other toys 把这些玩具娃娃和你的其他玩具放在一起。
Mp : i would have actually blown up the doll 恐怕我会吹捧一下我的宝贝儿( ? )
Let these stubborn people watch the power of the doll 让这些不信的人看看布偶的威力
The doll ' s house had miniature tables and chairs 洋娃娃的房子里有很小的桌子和椅子。
You know the doll that he seems to have fallen for 你了解那个让他坠入爱河的玩具吗?